Monday, April 25, 2011




1.      The Title
An Analysis of Students’ Error in Translating of Reading Narrative Text at Second grade of SMA NEGERI 1Kibin.

2.      Background of the Problem
Students’ error analysis is one of important and appropriate effort to identify, classify, correct, improving vocabulary, and evaluate effort students’ language errors in English. Therefore, error analysis needs to be done as effort to know and improve student’s ability in English. Error analysis is a type of linguistic analysis that for uses on the errors learners make, it consists of a comparison between the errors made in the target language (TL) and that target language it self. According to Brown (1994, P.204) states that error Analysis emphasize the significance of errors in learners Inter language system. The term inter language, introduced by Selinker  (1972:12) refers to systematic knowledge of an second language (LI) and the target language it seems that language error is not only made by students who learn second language, but also by students who learn first language. From the statement above that the language errors often occur at first language, moreover English as foreign language.
According to Crystal (1992: 135) said that error analysis is a technique to identify, classify, and interpreting errors made systematically by students who are learning in languages. It means, error analysis is used with a variety of techniques for identifying, classifying and systematically interpreting the mistake made by language learner and has helped support hypothesis such as the natural route of development, as well as identify the weaknesses and disprove theories of language learning.
Based on Colina (2003: p.14) she said that translation is the interpretation of the meaning of a text in one language (the source text) and the production in another language, of an equivalent text (the target text or translation) that communicates the same message. I think  it means that translation is to translate of something text with word by word or lexical word way; another means that translation is into express something in a more definite form of put something reading text, written or spoken into a different language.
According to Mackay (1979:15) states that reading is an active process because it involves an interaction between thought and language. According to Smith (1979) says that to learn to read children need to read. He (1978:104) also says that reading is extracting in formation of the text moreover he (1978:105) also says that the fluent readers in all aspects of reading are those who pays attention only to that information in the print that is more relevant information from the text based on the readers need thought reading. According to Walker (1985:p.4) Reading is an active process (not product, like history) in which reader shift between sources of information (what they know and what the text says), elaborate meaning and strategies check their interpretation (revising when appropriate), and use the social context to focus their response. Based on the reading theory above, therefore it means reading is the cognitive process of understanding a written linguistic message.
According to Clandinin, D.J and Conelly, F.M (2000) states that narrative text is a construct created in a suitable medium (speech, writing, reading, images) that described in a sequence of real or unreal events. I mean that narrative text is an account of event; narrative text is a kind of text that deals with telling about a sequence of event or about something happening to someone. 
The researcher chooses the title an analysis of students’ error in translating of reading narrative text to analyze or to identify translating student’s error. Because, in this research at second grade of SMA NEGERI 1Kibin the researcher find some of students look like difficulties to translated of reading narrative text as task to them. The reasons why their students are not able to translating the text caused by the students do not comprehend the text, the students do not know what the meaning of each word in text before, the student’s forgotten the meaning of word in reading narrative text, etc.
Regarding the background of the problem above, the research is interested to analyze of students error in translating of reading narrative text. To solved the problems on translating of reading narrative text, especially in translating of English text. The researcher attempts to collect, identify, describe, classify and evaluate the task of students to give students be able to translated words in reading narrative text and also toward their reading comprehension.

3.      Identification of the Problem
From the background above, the researcher identified the problem as follows:
1.      The students are not able to comprehend on content of the text, so that it is difficult to the students understood.
2.      The students only have or able a few vocabularies, therefore, those often make students errors in translating.

4.      Limitation of the Problem
The researcher determines the limitation of the problem as follow:
1.      Vocabulary errors on students translating of reading narrative text at second grade of SMA NEGERI 1Kibin.
2.      Reading comprehend students which one effect of the students difficult in translating narrative text.

5.      Formulation of the Problem
The researches find some problem there are:
1.      What the caused student’s error in translating of reading narrative text?
2.      How many vocabularies of students have?

6.      Aims of the Research
The aims of this research are:
1.      To know the caused students error in translating of reading narrative text at second grade of SMA NEGERI 1Kibin.
2.      To know why the students difficulties to translated the reading narrative text.

7.      The Advantages of the Research
The advantages of this research, there are:
1.      To know what the caused of students’ error in translating of reading narrative text;
2.      To know why the students’ difficulties in translating of reading narrative text.

8.      Literature Review
8.1    Analysis
According to Slamecka and Ceraso (1960:7) states that analysis is study of something by examining its parts. It means that analyze is explanation of something toward part and research it then that deal with each part to get understanding appropriate and comprehension of the meaning.
8.2    Students
According to Calvin (1958:85) said that students is person who is studying at a college or university. I think it means that student is any person who studies; participant who is join to studies.  
8.3    Error
Based on Crystal (1992: 35) states that, error is wrong form that the students’ could incorrect. It means error in this case of the researcher research error is doing wrong; students doing mistake of learn something for example mistake in speaking, writing, listening or reading.
8.4    Error Analysis
According to Crystal (1992: 135) said that error analysis is a technique to identify, classify, and interpreting errors made systematically by student who are learning in languages. It means that, error analysis is used with a variety of techniques for identifying, classifying and systematically interpreting the mistake made by language learner and has helped support hypothesis such as the natural route of development, as well as identify the weaknesses and disprove theories of language learning.

8.5    Translation
Based on Colina (2003: p.14) she said that translation is the interpretation of the meaning of a text in one language (the source text) and the production in another language, of an equivalent text (the target text or translation) that communicates the same message. I think  it means that translation is to translate of something text with word by word or lexical word way; another means that translation is into express something in a more definite form of put something reading text, written or spoken into a different language.
8.6    Reading
According to Mackay (1979:15) states that reading is an active process because it involves an interaction between thought and language. According to Smith (1979) says that to learn to read children need to read. He (1978:104) also says that reading is extracting in formation of the text moreover he (1978:105) also says that the fluent readers in all aspects of reading are those who pays attention only to that information in the print that is more relevant information from the text based on the readers need thought reading. According to Walker (1985:p.4) Reading is an active process (not product, like history) in which reader shift between sources of information (what they know and what the text says), elaborate meaning and strategies check their interpretation (revising when appropriate), and use the social context to focus their response. Based on the reading theory above, therefore it means reading is the cognitive process of understanding a written linguistic message.

8.7    Narrative Text
According to Clandinin, D.J and Connelly, F.M (2000) states that narrative text is a construct created in a suitable medium (speech, writing, reading, images) that described in a sequence of real or unreal events. I mean that narrative text is an account of event; narrative text is a kind of text that deals with telling about a sequence of event or about something happening to someone. 

9.      Research Method
This research is to explain and to identify or to analyze the phenomena of students’ error in translating of reading narrative text, the research method with using qualitative methodology. According to workout (in John W, Creswell.1994:182) states that qualitative research is fundamentally interpretive. This means that the research makes an interpretation of the data, this includes developing a description of an individual or setting, analyzing data for themes or categories, and finally making an interpretation or drawing conclusions about’ its meaning personally and theoretically, stating the lessons learned and offering further questions to be asked.
It also means that the researcher filters the data through a personal lens that is situated in a specific sociopolitical and historical moment; one cannot escape the personal effect interpretation brought to qualitative data analysis. 

10.  Instrument of the Research
In this research, the researcher would like to use observation and field note with give the students’ narrative text and ask them to do exercises, such as ask them to do translating word of the text.
11.  Source of the Data
The source of data is taken from collected and note based on types of error in students translating. Translating (translation) is made as source of research data, because it can be observed in reading text specifically in reading narrative text in order to make easy in process of error identification and analyzed.

12.  Data Verification
The researcher to verify analysis of students’ error in translating of reading narrative text at second grade of SMAN I Kibin. The data verification in this research is students’ difficulties to translate of reading narrative text as task to them. The reasons why their students can not to translating the text because they are do not understand and do not comprehend about content of the text. So, the students do not know the meaning words of the text. Also, they are having low vocabularies. So, they do not know what the meaning of new word of reading narrative text.

13.  Collecting Data Technique
The researcher gets the data about analysis student’ errors in translating of reading narrative text, the technique is analyze the students error with used observation and field note with gives the students reading narrative text and ask them to do exercises. For example, ask them to do translating words of the text.

14.  Data Analysis
Data analysis technique is done by identification and analyzing in students’ error in translating of reading narrative text. Then, students’ error is described as clear as possible. And then, the students error are identified and classified based on observed in translating of reading narrative text in order to know what the caused by students error process. The researcher can determines that students’ error in translating of reading narrative text can be done if they do not understand about content the text so the students do not know the meaning word of the text. And another caused by low to dominate or to having vocabularies. So, they are difficulties to translate it and also they are difficulties to find meaning of words in translating of reading narrative text it self.


John W. Creswell. 2003. Research Designed Second Edition. Lincoln: University
of Nebraska.

Nasution .S,Prof. Dr. M.A. 2003. Metode Research. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Wachyu Sundayana, 2005. English in Context Developing Competencies in English for Grade X of Senior High School. Bandung: Grafindo Media Pratama.

Clandinin, D.J and Connelly, F.M. 2000. Narrative text.

Mackay.(1979:15). Definition of  Reading.
9  Am. Dec11, 2007.  11 p.m. Dec 11,2007.

Colina. (2003: p.14). Translation.

Crystal. (1992: 135). Students’ error analysis.

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