Monday, January 31, 2011

IBS Treatment


IBS Treatment by Herbal Medicine

IBS can be treated using many different healing methods from many different cultures and countries. If you have been researching different treatment methods then you are likely find that there are many different options for you to help your digestive system. One IBS treatment method is via the use of herbal medicine therapy, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Within TCM, there are several different techniques that are used to treat IBS. Herbal medicine is one of the most common ways of IBS treatment. Specific herbs can be used to treat specific symptoms that you are experiencing. For example, if your main symptom is bloating, then the treatment may be an herb that can help relieve the bloating.

TCM herbs are different from herbs found in other countries. These herbs will be specific to the Chinese region but can be used on just about anyone. The TCM practitioner will have substantial knowledge about the herbs that can be used for your IBS treatment. He will use his experience and knowledge of the many herbs to recommend a concoction for you. It is likely that you will need to consume the herbal concoction a few times before you start seeing results. As in most natural treatments, TCM takes time for it to work on your body.

Acupuncture is another common IBS treatment used in TCM and it is becoming more popular in the Western world, too. Acupuncture targets specific meridian points that run from the brain to the abdominal area that cause the symptoms. Acupuncture is a very effective way to treat your IBS symptoms and can be an important part of your healing process. The TCM practitioner may also recommend massage therapy to help relieve your IBS symptoms. Through a combination of various massage strokes, he can help you reduce the feeling of bloatedness and to improve the channels to smooth bowel movements.

TCM is a holistic healing system. It also involves looking at other parts of the body to see if there are other symptoms that relate to IBS. For example, if your tongue has a coating over it, the practitioner may determine that it is related to the IBS because too much heat is being produced in your body. If your stomach becomes painful after meals then this could be another symptom of IBS. IBS has many different symptoms and your practitioner will ask you questions and give you a thorough exam to see if your body is showing any other symptoms.

TCM will offer you many alternative methods to treat your IBS, including acupuncture and herbal medications. You should look for a trained TCM practitioner, preferably someone who is very experienced and also skilled in acupuncture. For your IBS treatment, do ask around for some recommendations for a good TCM practitioner. There are also many other herbal medicines for IBS in other parts of the world as recent advances in the scientific understanding of the medicinal plant extracts suggest a much broader use of herbal medicine to provide effective treatment for IBS and other related disorders than science thought possible just ten years ago.

Herbal medicine therapy, also called plant medicine therapy, means applying plant as medicine to prevent and treat diseases and has been taken seriously day by day. When modern natural therapeutics doctors use plant medicine to treat ailments, they not only rely on the traditional property of the plant in the traditional medicine, but also grasp its modern pharmacology function and mechanism, which makes this therapy more scientific and modernized. What many natural therapeutics doctors use are no longer primary raw plant medicine materials but are effective components extracted from plant.

Chemical drugs are poisonous, have many side effects, and are easy to present drug resistance while natural plant medicine has incomparable advantages in this respect. It's difficult, long-period and expensive to develop pure synthetic new drugs, which makes the development of plant extracts and compound medicine become new choice. ¡°Back to nature¡±, ¡°green consumption¡±, and so on has become fashion, making natural plant medicine become good choice of modern healthcare as a matter of course.

Herbal medicine is taken from plants, mineral and their products, and preserves nature and bioactivity of various structural constitution. These substances are components of living organisms on the earth and necessary to maintain ecological balance. At the same time, they are useful, harmless and most easily accepted exogenetic essential materials that are selected and left by human and animal's long-term practice. The therapeutic effectiveness of the active compounds in these IBS treatments is unparalleled and substantiated on a global scale.

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