Monday, January 31, 2011



Submitted by:
Dewiyah (082370)
Dede Iryanti (082367)
Gaos mardiantara (082379)

Broadly a language has a great effect of human being life in communicating with whom, where, and for what purposes in a country or even to another country. Language is not only a means of establishing and maintaining relationship to other people, but it is also means of communicating information. As we know that English defined as the universal language which is nowadays very significant to be learnt because it can be required to lead us into the globalization era.
In this case learning a second language as foreign language is certainly not that easy, notwithstanding when an English student learns it whit such difficulties that hamper the process in learning language in later years. While each of the EFL learners has the reason why he or she learns English and he or she also has the best way to learn the foreign language in under of any kind of situation.
In other words, not all learners are able to understand about the English terms depend on same situation with other learners or receptive skill (listening and reading) either productive skill (speaking and writing). The learners seems often can not maintain herself to keep up the lesson as such as easy any others can do. This can be caused by surroundings/ atmosphere which may possibly be sustained in the reality. It is able to known that the situation itself can influence a learner to case and raise motivation the learning process about English constantly.
The awareness of making effort that should attempt apparently is to be hard, yet it is capable to be challenging that an English foreign language learner should fight. There is always chance for the problems which might be come up under any situation of the learning language process that is from the external and internal factors which is in such reading and conversation situation.
According to Michel, 1978:51 stated that language has five functions: expression, information, exploration, persuasion, entertainment. Mastering a language means capable in using it with those above functions. Informative function which represents receptive and productive competencies the most natural and essential one (Wardhaugh, 1972:2).receptive skill includes listening and reading, while productive skill are about speaking and writing.
Language competence of someone can be measured by his or her receptive and productive competence, as the basis of his or her competence in communication. In this case it is related to the cognitive, according to Schinke-Llano (1993) claimed that thought and language were seen as two distinct cognitive operations that grow together. One of several activities to learn the language is known as speaking, besides writing, reading and listening.
In learning speaking of English language, take for an example in conversation, the learner does not only need the pronunciation to improve the speech, but it is essential for the learner to increase and considerate the words such as grammar and vocabulary in developing the language ability. According to Lado (1964: 117) states that with approximately 2.000 words you can speak English fairly well but with the same amount of vocabulary you will have listening problems when you study aboard because the average native speaker has more active words than us to be used in normal communication.
By the expert have stated, we know that’s words which is spoken are rarely large beyond the words that EFL learners found with the foreigner usually speak to the learner who processing language learning. In the language learning process, verbal and intellectual activity should be brought in to reality together. Those can be possibly to be carried out in the communicative activity.
This kind of concept is not only performed active learning pattern but also relevant to language neutrality which developed from the from of utterance. People speak to express meaning in his mind and they listen to catch meaning express by others. Student need to master the structure and function simultaneously. While they learn more structure, they master more instruments used with its different functions. Speaking skill, as other, need to be learn repeatedly and learned as a result of experience (Calrk, 1977:298).
According to Eskey and Grabe (1988: pp. 235-236) good reader process language in the from of written text without thinking consciously about it, and good second language readers must learn to do so is only this kind of local processing that allow for global reading with true comprehension. Whereas according to Thistlethwaite (1990:587) showed that critical reading, readers evaluate what they have read and make a decision. This decision may be to accept what the writer has said, to disagree with it or to realize that additional information is necessary before an informed judgment can be made.
Learning another which is basically different to the native is rather difficult to be comprehended speaker because in the same way the learner will find the diverse among system of sound, vocabulary, grammar and culture for Indonesian. Language is a fundamental part of total human behavior, and behaviorists examined it as such and sought to formulate consistent theories of first language acquisition.
Language learning directs to language acquisition. EFL learner is more proficient to learn English under situation that is reading or understanding the lesson in content areas and conversation but those do not mean that the learner are not able to keep up in any situations. In improving the English ability, reading is such the best way how to do the progress in advance the weakness the learner has. We need to know that in the process of learning language there are some strengths of reading.
With no awareness, we can learn the language by reading affectively, knowing and understanding any kind of information and knowledge to build, increase and develop our abilities in second language all the time, its mean that we can do this activity wherever the learner belongs to, whether at the classroom or the academic area and classroom outside. The learners realizes that it seems to be the convenient way to do because the learner does not need a partner in reading, while the learner does not need to have good pronunciation and also the learner can read any information and knowledge very slowly.
Practice reading seems a good idea to make correct sentence for speaking. In addition by means of conversation also the learner can expand the English language of practicing the speech in discussion in processing the skill. It can be the method to practice our speaking in English well. Through the conversation the learner knows how to reach the language acquisition as well and also the learner is capable to know about the weakness in speaking moreover by doing the correction of the speech in order that the mistake will not be existed prolong that can be a habitual later. The learner can share the ideas through the statement in speaking in conversation. Not only capabilities which we can acquire in reading and conversation situation in learning the second language, but there are also shortcomings which is as imperfection in this situations.
In reading, the learner is somewhat difficult to handle the complex meaning or words in the written text. In fact, this case requires as partner to guide in informing and correcting in the complexity of learning process because as the learner is supposed to know that if there is any intricacy to its context we need such an explanation to recognize. In the meantime in conversation situation, the learner should notice the words and sentences in expressing the ideas attentively because the error of grammar and vocabulary perhaps occurred frequently.
The problems which are from reading and conversation situation may affect to the learner comprehension of the terms or rules in English. The effects are led to feedback in any aspect of learning language. However, the learner should ask anyone help or teacher in giving the directions to avoid the difficulties and even if those have happened, it is essential for the learner to review what has been read and attempt to enrich the understanding of English language, moreover the learner should identify a problem early on and developing effective strategies.

Chapter III
Summing up the above analysis, it can be concluded that looking at it from circumstance view the EFL learner can acquire the language acquisition in learning process. Receptive and  productive competences. Which inspire language learning application, can influence the learning process in different situation. Competence is one’s underlying knowledge of the system of a language. All of the English learning definitely are in under conversation and through reading. It can be seen that English learners or student do not have adequate receptive and productive competence yet even through they have learned English in the long period. This condition cannot be separated from either internal or external constraints which needs a serious attention

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