Friday, October 15, 2010




Scientists predict that during global warming, the northern regions of the North Hemisphere (Northern Hemisphere) will heat up more than other regions on Earth. As a result, icebergs will melt and the mainland will shrink. Will be less ice will float in the waters of the North. Areas that previously experienced light snow, probably will not experience it again. In the mountains in subtropical areas, snow-covered part will be getting less and is quicker to melt. Planting season will be longer in some areas. Temperatures in the winter and at night would tend to increase.

Warmer regions will become more humid as more water evaporates from the oceans. Scientists do not yet quite sure whether it will actually increase the moisture or reduce the warming even further. This is because water vapor is a greenhouse gas, so that its presence will increase the insulation effect on the atmosphere. However, more moisture will also form more clouds, which would reflect sunlight back into space, where it will reduce the heating process (see the water cycle). High humidity will increase rainfall, on average, about 1 percent for each degree Fahrenheit warming. (Rainfall in the entire world has increased by 1 percent in the last hundred years) [22]. Storms will become more frequent. In addition, the water will evaporate more quickly from the soil. As a result, some areas will become drier than before. Winds will blow harder and perhaps with a different pattern. Cyclonic storm (hurricane) that obtain power from the evaporation of water, will be larger. Contrary to the warming that occurred, some very cold periods may occur. Weather patterns become more unpredictable and extreme.

Global warming has upset the rainy season and dry season. The farmers are now difficult to determine the types of varieties and planting calendar, due to unpredictable climate. In many parts of Indonesia droughts and floods thwart food production. Wetland many puso or crop failure due to droughts and floods. The farmers should not simply resigned. In some districts, the various groups of farmers are now actively following the climate field school. They hope to more easily and surely in the set of varieties and planting calendar, according to climate phenomena being studied.

Here are the impacts of climate change in Indonesia:
One climate forecast
For 2003, farmers in Indramayu, West Java, has a dark record. Thousands of hectares of land affected puso, failed harvests. At that time they plant rice talimas type, one of the rice varieties that take a long time and need lots of water.

Waryono, Didi Casmadi and other farmers Haur District Sometimes, Indramayu, it was the wrong climate forecasting. The rainy season that they expected a long, it lasted even shorter. As a result, rice yields only an empty shell of rice grains, because of lack of water. The farmers had an average income of Rp. 1.5 million of the 700 square meters of their fields. While grain Wahyono so gabuk because wind bugang.

Empty rice harvest
Planting varieties that Talimas crop failure here because gabuk hysterical. Taxable bugang wind. If the calculated average loss of one hectare for farmers to reach a million more.
Disasters experienced by farmers Indramayu, by the local government considered the impact of rising world temperatures, aka global warming. Increasing the temperature of the earth makes the climate continues to change, so hard to be touched. Smoke Fahmi, Head of Department of Agriculture Indramayu district of West Java.

When the tide to the top. High rainfall flooding. If drought upstream so obviously we did not have its own water source. So that water from Garut and Sumedang. Of course, when viewed globally is related to climate change. Often a delay planting. This sign has felt the impact of global warming.
A tumultuous season
The impact of climate change on agriculture is also justified agricultural climate experts Institut Pertanian Bogor IPB Rizaldo Boer. Climate change, he said, is the stabilization of global warming that triggered the anomaly climate. Put simply, the climate deviates from the usual. Deviations of this climate continues to increase, both the frequency, severity, and even length.
According to Gatot Irianto, Director of Water Management in the Department of Agriculture, the impact of climate change on agriculture did not actually direct. Usually preceded by a tumultuous season and the emergence of flood and drought.

The results of our study in the intensity of strong anomalies. So lose the planting period can reach five dasarian. It happened during the dry season advanced faster thirty days and 20 days of the rainy season retreat. This is in Subang as the center of food production. But if this pullback anomalinya're just 20 days. Compare if you do not have anomalies, using the earnings period is an additional 50 days or half-cycle of rice plants.

Planting calendar
The climate is difficult to calculate lead to farmers planting difficult to arrange the calendar. So if the dry season, drought agricultural land. Who's the rainy season, said Smoke, who experienced only flooding. Farmers clear loss.
Due to unpredictable climate forecasts. We missed continue in the field. All I can is get around how before the drought, the harvest is complete. It turned out that missed estimates. Like now, we now estimate the planting of October, but now it has not been planted. Is there a prediction that did not flood in January. Hard right?
Difficult to be determined when exactly the impact of climate change occurs. There are experts who believe climate change is already happening in the 1970s, but there is also a new 1997. The Government itself acknowledges the impact of climate change for agriculture sector in Indonesia just watched 1997. Gatot Irianto, Director of Water Management Department of Agriculture.
Climate Information
Climate Experts Agriculture IPB, Rizaldi Boer said the loss is difficult to estimate because the farmers and local governments do not understand the importance of climate information. In addition to hard to understand, climate information is still general and not quickly available, so that farmers take into account the various problems difficult climate.
"Both the farmers and local governments do not care about the importance of climate information. So far, local governments have not considered important climate information. Moreover, the farmers themselves. They are skeptical and believe more traditional forecasts. Characteristics of the agricultural region of frequent disasters, farmers have developed technological forecasting. There can explained scientifically, and some are not. More like the paranormal, "he said.

Even in some areas, said Rizaldi, society depend on climate calculations parents who are considered competent in matters of mysticism.
To cope with current climate fluctuations Japanese State has had his own way to deal with climate change. There was no land, became underground. Maybe that's the principle that inspired the researchers and farmers in Japan. 02 Pasono Building basement located in downtown Ginza area of Tokyo, Japan, plant technology developed by hydroponic and Light Emitting Diode. The results of various crops can be grown in this 22-story building closed.
Sun replaced lighting the lamp along with the temperature set to produce a variety of plants. In this building is also being conducted various experiments, training to tourist destinations. This technology advancement invite comments Jusul Kalla Vice President to visit Japan.
Pasona Building was established in 2005 to become the project's high demand for food in Japan. So far, Japan imported 72 percent of food and seeds. Land experiment like this already exist in the nine buildings in Tokyo.

In the area of 1000 m2 thriving vegetables such as tomatoes, strawberries, rice and other crops. Crops planted in hydroponics system (how to grow without soil media.) Because in the building below ground then mataharipun rays can not penetrate into this plant. But with the technology of this country as a substitute for sunlight, these underground gardens in the supply of lamps such as LEDs, and high-pressure sodium vapor lamps. Everything is controlled by computer so that both light and temperature similar to the original garden.

To grow rice, for example, used a specially designed tub soil. The water is replaced automatically every day. Periodically also provided the necessary nutrients to grow crops. In a location which is also called Pasona O2, the paddy land only 6 x 5 meter area. GM Pasona O2, Yasuyuki Nambu said, the rice can be harvested 3-4 times a year. Each harvest, can produce 20 kg of rice. If for example every family had one land beneath their homes will be provided for the needs of food each time. independence remarkable if true.

Indonesia when developed like this? or may not need it? land is still abundant but not yet maximized its use. But the progress we should imitate the technology and applied in our beloved country. Because Indonesia is a land of hope of the world. Affairs who will become problem-solvers people.

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