Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Role of Media in Teaching Learning Process


Role of Media in Teaching Learning Process

Muhibbin teaching strategies according to Shah (2002), defined as the number of steps to be engineered in such a way as to achieve certain learning goals. This teaching strategy involves several steps, such as:

Formulating Strategy objectives Teaching and Learning (PBM), which is concerned with strategies that will be used by teachers in determining the pattern of teaching to reach the target PBM.
Planning strategies of teaching and learning process, associated with the implementation of measures langlah achieve established targets. In this phase, including the planning of instructional media that will be used.
Strategy implementation process of teaching hall, associated with the approach of teaching system which really match with the subject of teaching materials.

In practice, techniques and use of media use contributes a large part in attracting the attention of students in the PBM, because the media basically has two main functions, namely the media as a tool and the media as a source of learning for students (Djamarah, 2002; 137).

Hamalik Umar (1986), Djamarah (2002) and Sadiman, et al (1986), classifies the media
is based on the type into several types:

Auditif media, ie media which only rely on the ability of sound, like a tape recorder.
Visual media, ie media which only rely on senses of sight in a visual form.
Audiovisual media, ie media that has elements of sound and image elements. These media types have a better ability, and the media is divided into two types:
Audio-visual silence, which is featuring the voice and visual silence, like sound slide film.
Audio visual motion, namely media that can display the elements of sound and moving images, like film, video and VCD Cassette.

Meanwhile, other media described above, in the presence of educational institutions have computer equipment is a matter that must be conditioned and socialized to meet the challenges and progress in science and technology. On the other hand is very much in the field of computer users who expect services can help them both as tutor, tutee and tools that have not been able to be fulfilled by a qualified professional in their field generated by the existing educational institutions. It also complained of by the teachers on the ability to understand, implement, and apply teaching
line with the demands of the curriculum because of limitations of information and training they receive. Computers have a very important role in the development of science and technology (Science and Technology), which includes tutor, tutee and tool implementation, and applications in other sciences as well as in the development of science and technology itself. This was reinforced by President BJ Habibie that today no single discipline of science that do not use an analytical way of thinking, mathematical, and numerical (Baisoetii, 1998). This fact indicates that the role of the computer will become imperative that can not be negotiable, especially in the structuring capabilities of thinking, reasoning and decision making in an era of competition is very competitive.

One of the competencies of teaching and learning process for a teacher is to invite and arouse students' skills in critical thinking.
Ability was supported by the ability of teachers in using instructional media. (Daniel, Jos, 1986). The role of teachers as important motivators in order to increase excitement in the development of students' learning activities, teachers should be stimulating and provide encouragement and reinforcement for mendinamisasikan potential students, grow and kereativitas activity that resulted in the dynamics of teaching and learning process (Slameto, 1988).

Sumber Referensi : (Sumber : Adri, Muhammad. Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dalam Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran.

April 29, 2008 in Uncategorized

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